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Thursday, 11 March 2010

Good Old Gaddesby!

Work took me out towards Melton and beyond today, I left nice and early so I could make a detour via Gaddesby to see if my site No 41 had any owls showing. Due to the location being in and around some mature trees the lighting was ever changing but in comparision with previous visits todays sightings and photo opportunities were by far the best I have ever had.

Site No 41, Gaddesby - Underwood lodge Farm


  1. Fabulous images, Paul - and I love the faces, particularly on the bird in the third image!!! Well done mate!!!

  2. Fantastic photos, love those little owls.

  3. Hi, not been blogging long & just bumped into this one.

    Quite a task you've set yourself . . . but i see you're just about there.

    Great stuff & superb images.

    ps. i noticed an image of what seems to be "the missing Link", appearing to urinate onto a tree mounted LO box . . .
    This is presumably to help take the odour of "newness" from the box timber ?

