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Friday, 25 November 2016

2017 Owl Calendar

Hi all, as any regular readers/followers of this blog will know, I have over the years (with the help of my buddy Col Green) been designing, making and erecting owl nest boxes in south Leicestershire,  over 130 so far. This is definitely a labour of love and when owls find one of the boxes and go on to use them as a breeding site it makes all the effort worth while. However, completing all this work and sourcing the required materials doesn't come cheap! In order to help maintain existing and to fund more new boxes I compile a unique owl calendar each year with all profits going back into the scheme.

My calendar for this year has just been finalised and ordered with my supplier, each month features an owl image (four different species) that was taken by myself during 2016, see draft of each month below.

The calendars are professionally manufactured using a high quality glossy 235g/m premium paper stock which gives the images a vibrant and vivid finish. The approx size when opened is 11" wide x 17" high and would complement any kitchen/study wall!

This year I have again committed to a large quantity from the supplier, this has enabled me to keep the pricing as of previous years! 1 x calendar is £10.00 or two for £18.50, (plus p&p at £1.50).

So would you like one of my 2017 owl calendars whilst also helping the owls? If so please either leave a message on my blog or email me at and I'll get back to you asap with more details.

Many thanks to anyone that is able to order a calendar, your support is greatly appreciated!

Thank you!
