Previously used Header Images

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Hide Upgrade.

About 50% of my close up owl images were only possible because I employed the use of a mobile hide, pictured below. It was a fantastic purchase that really comes in its own when you are after that elusive image of a shy species. It doesn't seem to scare off the owls although they do seem to be a little wary of it at times. I have spent upto 5 hours at a time in the hide waiting for the owls to either show or to come close enough for that required image. However, as good as it is it does have its limitations in that it has absolutely no room and it can become quite uncomfortable (especially on the backside) after a couple of hours.

Excellent camouflage....can you see me in there?

So after much consideration I decided a larger model was required, one that would offer a little bit more room inside and maybe a more comfortable chair that would sort out my numb bum problem! After much browsing of the internet I couldn't really find a model that met all my requirements so it was on to plan B?

And here it is, my new hide and this model not only meets all my requirements it has an engine as well!!!!

Owling in comfort....that's what it's all about!


  1. Hi Paul - I like the new hide!!! However, I think that I will have to stick with the previous bum-numbing model as I've only just got mine (as a birthday present - and my birthday isn't until June!!!). Do the side windows in the rear open, or do you have to shoot through glass?

  2. Hi Richard, yes the side windows do open, its a real luxury hide!!!

  3. Nice post Paul,I thin k I'll go for the
