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Saturday, 6 February 2010

Location Location Location!

A few weeks ago it was decided a nestbox scheme for my little owls would be a good idea, if the birds could be persuaded to relocate from their existing "natural" nest sites to artificial ones it would give greater access to the nest chamber and excellent opportunities to ring the birds. At the moment I don't have the required qualification to ring the owls so Andy Smith of Charnwood Ringers was contacted and he has very kindly offered his services as and when they are requested...........should there be any relocation and breeding success????

Ken Goodrich was very influential in getting some funding from LROS that would enable the purchase of enough timber to make 20 boxes to the same specifications of the box featured in the January issue of the BTO News, further details can be seen/downloaded from this link. Barn Owl Trust.

The timber arrived last Thursday and after many many hours assembling and treating them the first 3 boxes were finally erected today, many thanks to my old mate Ron (let me hold ya ladder) Hawkins for his help. 
This above box was situated on an Ash tree very close to a pair which raised 2 young in 2009.
The below box was put up in an old Willow which is home to a pair which have also had breeding success .
The 3rd box was erected in an old barn (too dark for an image!) which also holds a pair although no previous breeding successess are known
Whilst out putting up the boxes some close owl's views were possible.
Obviously the exact site locations will not be divulged but needless to say they have all been very carefully selected and are on quiet, private land.

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