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Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Buzzard out - Owl in!

Work had me starting out early yesterday morning and as I was heading out towards Lutterworth I drove past this buzzard sitting on a wire fence, I had the camera on board so I chanced my arm and turned back; luckily he hadn't flown off and actually posed quite nicely. Due to the low light levels and the mist shutter speeds were slow but I was pleased with the outcome considering the conditions.

No buzzard images for months and then 2 in a week, are buzzards buses???

On my return journey I went via the small Leicestershire village of Welham with the hope of seeing some little owls, according to my records I haven't seen these particulars birds since last summer! Anyway, upon arrival at the location no birds were in evidence so plan B came into action............playback my little owl call  that I have on my mobile phone! Within seconds a response, a calling bird was located on a wall about 100 mts away.

A heavily cropped image.....can you see him?

The calling wall owl then flew up to my left and into some ash trees where he was then joined by a second bird. The pair of them then excitedly went into a calling and screeching fit which lasted a good couple of minutes.

Site 9, Home Farm - Welham

1 comment:

  1. Nice Buzzard image Paul - as well as the LOs, of course!! I like the wall owl. I'm looking forward to getting some more images of LOs not in trees - I've only managed this at my barn site so far.
