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Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Late Lunch

After my successful early morning venture over to Gilmorton I wasn't planning on having any more trips out until at least the weekend, however when my 2.40pm appointment was cancelled it meant I had an hour or so to kill, mmmmmmm what could I do?????? That was it a decision was made, i'll take my late lunch at one of my local owl sites and as luck would have it my camera was in the car...........just in case!!!!!

Upon arrival both birds were observed flying around the nest tree, there seemed to be something that was exciting them, they were making a right racket squawking and screeching at each other not to mention all the fluttering and flapping, maybe it was something courtship ritual?

After a few minutes they calmed down and it was at this point I think they noticed me, or maybe they even heard the shutter on the camera?

My presence didn't seem to deter them at all, then to my amazement and good fortune they flew in my direction landing on a branch and a bushes right in front of me!!!

Bird No 1, presumably the female due to it's slightly larger size

Bird No 2

Bird No 2

Bird No 2

Site 62, Valley View Farm - Leire

Well I just couldn't believe my luck and to think I hadn't even managed any images of the adults from this site before. What a fantastic lunch half hour it was and I didn't even get to eat my sandwiches!!!!
And to think I so nearly nailed that dam elusive little owl in flight shot too!!


  1. Absolutely ruddy amazing, Paul. Some lovely images - well done!!

  2. awesome photos I been trying the owl in flight shot over the past year , yours are brilliant ! adam (adamnaturewatch.blogspot)

  3. Fantastic images!! Especially like the last perched one peering down.

  4. Thanks for all your comments guys.
