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Sunday, 14 March 2010

Stake Out.

Yesterday on the whole was a poor day for little owl viewing, of all the sites visited (20ish) birds were only showing at 6 or 7 locations. I have come to the conclusion/excuse (and I'm sticking by it!) is that little owls just don't like the wind! So first thing this morning I was in a dilemma because it was actually windier than it was yesterday.  So should I do as yesterday and visit loads and loads of sites and just hope I get lucky with the odd sighting and distant photo or should I select one site and sit it out? The latter was the chosen option and the selected site was a local one over at Whetstone.

After waiting around an hour my invested time was paid off when this bird appeared at the nest hole entrance

He popped out and flew around for a few minutes, dooohh still can't nail that owl in flight image!!!

After the little flying display I think he realised he'd be far warmer back inside the tree.

Site 31, Whetstone - Crossways Farm


  1. Great !!! I particularly like the last image, Paul. The flight image might not be perfect, but I don't recall seeing anything much better!

  2. Doesn't look like the bird will fit through that hole. Nicely catured shots. I think you are right about them not liking the wind but they always sit out in the sun or on cold frosty days. Great work with your records.
