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Sunday, 3 October 2010

More Boring Facts.

Its still raining and I am still bored, so here are some more nearly worthless statistics from my owl files. This graph shows by month every new site I have located since it all began back in August 2008.

1st sighting graph, double click for larger image.

What is apparent (and I wasn't aware of it until now) is the fact that I have located at least one new site every month for the last 26 consecutive months, not bad hey? If this bloody poor weather continues for October I think my streak could soon come to a premature end!!!


  1. If you can't get down to the pub to relieve your boredom, may I suggest you switch on the telly and watch the highlights of Wigan thrashing St Helens - hurry its on at 5.15

  2. Hi David, I'm a union man myself but I did catch some of the match yesterday, I take it you are a Wigan man as I detect a sense of smugness in your comment? If so well done, they played surperbly!

  3. Paul if I were a stick of rock it would have Wigan running through it, cheers keep up the good work.

  4. I would rather watch Chelsea any day of the week. I just cant get into Rugby:) Nice chart Paul, keep up the great work!
