Previously used Header Images

Friday, 24 December 2010


New site No 140 was chanced upon earlier in the week, luckily I had the camera on board, again! I was driving back home from Northampton and decided to take the scenic route just in case anything was showing along the country lanes......and it was!!

It was located sitting on top of a gate post along a narrow lane just outside the village of Fleckney, I pulled up along side it and it didn't flinch a muscle. It actually seemed bemused by my presence (possibly star struck!!!) and there it posed nicely for a few seconds giving me "the stare".

Site No 140 - Fleckney.

An unexpected but very welcome encounter, I will hopefully return over the festive season to see if I can improve on my images, to see if I can locate the nest tree and to see if it has a mate.

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