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Monday, 6 December 2010

Pitt Stop.

Yesterday I located a new Little Owl site (No 137), unfortunately at the time I didn't have the proper lens with me to capture any decent images, but as luck would have it work took me out today in the same direction as the new site, well only a very slight detour!

As I pulled up in the adjacent layby to the nest tree I spotted that the bird was again out, and in good light too. Without even getting out of the car I managed a few distant images of the owl as it hopped from branch to branch and in and out a couple of holes.

During the 10 minutes I was there only the one bird was seen, but as work brings me out in this direction on a regular basis I will make a point of making a pit stop again, you never know the next time he may have his mate with him?

1 comment:

  1. 137? Wow Rid I'm totally impressed with your hard work and dedication.
