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Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Long Slog Update.....

I have now finished reviewing my images from yesterdays "long slog" in the rain over at South Wigston and here are a few more images that have been salvage (with some post processing) to the point where I think they are "useable"?


  1. The slog was worth it – lovely images. Thanks for sharing them.

  2. Hi Paul,

    some fantastic images over the last few months but the 'long slog' ones are just superb!
    I've been following a local pair of Little Owls that were nesting under the eaves of a farmhouse. However, they've gone worryingly quiet and I've seen no sign of either adult for the past 10 days. I think the clutch may have failed due to a lack of food as a result of the exceptionally dry weather we've had here in Kent.
    I know LOs very rarely have two broods in a season but I don't suppose you'd know whether Little Owls will try for a second brood if the first one fails?


  3. Hi Rob,

    Two broods is a raiety, in fact I have never come across one! As for your site going quiet over the last week or so, I would say this is quite normal. Chances are the hen owl will be sitting very tight in the final few days of incubation or even brooding her chicks. No worries with the dry weather, Little Owls are very resilient and will cope.
