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Thursday 26 May 2011

Much Improved.

For the last week or so Leicestershire has been hit with some persistent high winds that have really hampered my owling just recently, therefore I needed to find a sheltered location where the owls just might show. One such site (No 157) possibly fitted the bill perfectly, it is near the village of Gumley and set amongst a few old ash trees in the bottom of a valley.

Although I have seen the owls here on a few previous occasions I'd never really invested any proper time and had only ever managed a single and very poor distant record image (below).  

So this evening that is where I headed for, and to my relief upon arrival I found the area was perfectly sheltered and out of the wind. I set myself up not far from what I believed to be the nest tree and waited. It took an absolute age before anything happened, but the owls did eventually show albeit only for around a minute!! But this was time enough for me to grab a few images of the resident pair, by no means quality images (the light was poor again!!!!) but a massive improvement on what I had before?


If the weather doesn't pick up soon I think I will be visiting these owls again, lets hope it does otherwise they are gunna be sick of the sight of me!!!!

1 comment:

  1. more great images, why are we getting March's weather in late May ?
