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Monday 23 May 2011

Share and share alike!

I haven't been out "owling" for a few days due to too many other things going on and the really unowl friendly crappy weather, but after having a call from Col Green I had to get my act together and get out there! Col had seen a Little Owl sitting in the guttering of a farm house near to the village of Enderby......and it was one I didn't know about!!! 

So tonight I was compelled to investigate, after a bit of searching I did finally located the owl and it wasn't too far from where Col had seen it on Sunday night. A shameful image I know, but I do have all the usual excuses, too dark, too wet too far away etc etc....

My first image from new site No 179, along with a mocking Blackbird!

Wasn't it nice of Col to share this owl site with me, I think the bang on the head he took last week has turned him into a really nice and caring person..........either that or he's after something???

Cheers Col!!!


  1. that Blackie had better watch himself....
    we've had 2 caught & killed by LO

  2. LO's killing Blackbirds, blimey I'd never of thought it!!! Just goes to show what vicious little buggers they can be.
