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Monday, 9 May 2011

Trying to get a bit "arty".

Surprise surprise, I was out owling again for a few hours this evening, I ventured over to the eastern side of Leicestershire, an area that I am trying to develop regarding getting to know the "locals" and in time I will hopefully gain their trust and be allowed land access to erect some more nest boxes.

It is mostly a virgin area for me in regards to looking for new owl sites, so on the way back I took my time driving down the lanes and in the village of Launde, not far from the abbey I located another new territory, site No 176!!! Although I did see a pair of owls only one of them was prepared to hang around for an image or two, quite a reddish brown bird compared to what I normally see. Whilst observing them I also detected the nest cavity, hopefully some images of the chicks emerging from it in a month or so?

I have attempted to be a bit "arty" with this one!

Although it was getting on the light was extremely good, in fact too good at times and as it was sideways on to the owl it created some very harsh contrasting shadows!! I'm not complaining really, just being a bit fussy I suppose, I'm really quite pleased with the images I attained, especially the "arty" one!!

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