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Thursday 30 June 2011

Puking Pellets

I've still got loads to catch up with from the last week or so, there's plenty of owls, juveniles and ringing encounters to post but I just had to upload some images from this evenings events. I was at my site No 135, near to the village of Cranoe, a location that thus far has never yielded any images, but when they finally came they were well worth waiting for!

An integral part of my studies is looking for pellets, a common day occurrence in the life of the owls, I have found hundreds and they are evidence that owls are active in a particular area. I have seen owls going through the expulsion of them but never before close enough to capture to act......until now!

In the next three images the expulsion act can clearly be seen, not very tasteful but good to watch....

I have visited this location on many previous occasions, I heard them calling and observed them at distance but today was the first opportunity to capture some "datyime" images.

I am really pleased with the set of images from today, I hope you are in agreement?


  1. Absolutely superb Paul!!! The lighting is just perfect. Well done!!

  2. Hi Paul,

    absolutely brilliant stuff! Some superb shots there and the pellet ones are amazing. Well done!

