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Wednesday 8 June 2011

Twiddling my thumbs....!

Another long slog today, the majority of my time was spent stuck sitting in the Landrover twiddling my thumbs whilst waiting for the Little Owls to show. In between the rain storms they did obliged.......eventually!

Taken at site No 87, not so much a flight shot, more a take off shot really!

This one was nervous of the overhead Buzzards!

Grubbing around hunting for worms after the rain.

A complete downpour hit the area and amazingly this owl braved it for a few minutes whilst it had an "outstretched wing bath", this is the third time I have witnessed these strange antics.

I also visited my site No 177 at Bitteswell, after a long wait the sun finally came out,  followed soon after by the owls, I was then able to make the most of the opportunity and get my best images from here to date.

The hen owl at the nest entrance.

And finally, my first ever image of the pair together.


  1. What a series! A fabulous little bird and a wonderfully informative blog. Thanks.

  2. Blimey Tim that was a quick response, were you waiting for me to post?....ha ha

    Thanks for your comments!

  3. Great images mate.. Thanks alot for the advice tonight!!

  4. They just get better and better Paul!! I particularly like the last two images - fabulous!!
