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Sunday 14 August 2011


Back in the UK now after a superb family break in the US,  we had a smashing time and whilst there we were very well looked after by Bren and Jay....thanks guys! During the holiday the birding/photo opportunities in their back garden were just brilliant, that is until my Canon 40D decided to stop working!! It was very frustrating with loads of good bird images missed! However I must be thankful that it did work for the first week and some stunning birds were captured.

So yesterday I made a visit to the local camera shop (Jacobs in Leicester) a good bunch of guys who are very helpful, unfortunately they didn't know what was wrong with my camera and it needs to be sent away.

It just so happens that I have been looking at upgrading my camera for a while now but never had the conviction to actually "splash the cash" and go for it! Well guess what, I am now the proud owner of a brand new Canon EOS 7D!!! All in all a better model than the 40D with the facility of also being able to recording live footage, move over Spielberg!

As soon as I familiarise myself with the operations (and get over the jet lag) I'll be getting back into the groove and catching up with my locals owls, hopefully some better quality images and movie footage to come?

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