Previously used Header Images

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Another expulsion!

During last nights venture out one of the owls allowed me some really close up views, during this period I took the opportunity to experiment with a few different camera settings. I was attempting to achieve a shallow depth of field where the owls eyes are in focus and the rest of its body and the background is nicely diffused (out of focus). 

This owl was a perfect subject, it just perched there doing.......well nothing! Whilst I was trying out a few different things it started twitching in an unusual manner, it seemed to be gasping for a breath and kept opening it's beak, it was at this stage I realised it was regurgitating a pellet!

I just kept my finger on the shutter and rattled off a sequence of around 25 images, in this image (below) the tip of the pellet can just be seen!

Here it comes.....

A quick shake of the head.......

And pop.........out it came!


  1. Your photo's are superb. The effort you're putting in watching these beautiful animals is uplifting.

  2. Do you think you could add a page on what to look for when finding Little Owls?

  3. These are wonderful images Paul. I always enjoy looking at your work.

  4. Brilliant work again Paul. Well done!!!

  5. Thanks all for your comments.
    Dave H, I will do some thing soon!
