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Thursday 1 September 2011

Still there!

Following last Monday's poor "owling day" I needed a more reliable site to visit, so last night I pinned all my hopes on site No 154, with a bit of luck the two juveniles will still be hanging around?

The light was poor, it was overcast and grey but no wind, just about perfect for seeing owls but not that good for photography? The juveniles here can be regularly seen in and around a huge pile of old timber (a yet to be lit bonfire), and tonight they duly obliged........again!

As I pulled up they were accidentally flushed from the pile, but I needn't have worried as they were soon back! I stayed well concealed in the car and consequently some wonderful close up views were had as they clambered around, at times they came within 10 feet of me! I made the most of the opportunity and completely filled a 8GB card, some 260 images! 

I haven't had time yet to go through all the images, but below is a selection of some that I have so far processed.....

The moral of the story, wait for a nice still evening and the owls will do the rest!


  1. see, still no "spot the owl" - its far too easy Paul! Although I do especially like the second photo in. That one is ace.

  2. Cheers Hoodie, yes you are quite right I have made spotting them all to easy. Maybe you could offer me a "master class" in the fine art some time?

  3. Superb mate....................
