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Saturday 29 October 2011

Better Light.

More shorties, better light but the birds, all nine of them were distant most of the time. A few mid air territorial squabbles occurred, talons were flashing a plenty all pretty trivial though, they were just putting a show on for me!!!. It is such a privilege to be able to watch these fantastic birds go about their dusk time hunting, many thanks must go to the local land owner and gamekeeper who have been very co operative.

The late setting sun offered a nice golden glow, the odd bird did come a little closer although the images are still heavily cropped.

I was so pre occupide watching another bird I nearly missed this one as it flew straight over me, it went and settled in a distant tree with four other owls.

This was possible the closest flyby I had, shame I clipped the wing tip!!!

I will now be keeping a close vigil on this site in an attempt to get some real close up and intimate images. It is inevitable that my presence makes the owls a little nervous and pushes them further away, therefore more work is required, maybe I'll build a hide there this weekend???


  1. Tremendous images Paul! They are all excellent, but the almost mirror image one at the top is a stunner. What incredible behaviour to witness and to photograph so beautifully. 9 of them! What a find.

  2. I just knew that you'd come up with the goods Paul. Wonderful images, and that first one is just superb! An 'action' shot like that is in a totally different class to 'sitting', and even 'flight', shots!! Extremely well done!
