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Thursday 13 October 2011

Does it work?

I have just started following a super blog "Hiding in cars" it's author Christian is from from Lancashire and he has plenty of quality images and re-enactment's with his local owls. Recently he posted  under the theme of "so bad it's almost good" it was of a picture of a Barn Owl in flight that wasn't quite what he was after, however after much deliberation he decided he actually liked it, and I do too!

So under the same theme I offer my contribution to this new trend, my image (below) was taken in very low light just as the sun was disappearing over the horizon. I had a pair of Little Owls perched up and posing nicely and at the precise moment of taking the image they both took flight.

The shutter speeds were low, 1/15th of a second which resulted in the "artistic" blurr, what do you think, does it work for you???


  1. I love it. Fabulous feel to the shot.

  2. Paul, Steve Dolan and I have a name for shots like this, we call them ....."Anatomy of Flight" and boy have we got plenty lol.

  3. Hi Paul. It's brilliant! The owl on the left looks as though its charged a 'death ray', just missing the one that 'escaped' by taking off! So much to look at and enjoy in the shot.

    It came as a lovely surprise to see my name in your post! You are most kind indeed. Such a compliment from the author of an incredible blog is a huge encouragement to me.

    Here's to a great pastime.


  4. Cheers for your comments guys, I don't suppose it hurts to try something a bit different now and again.

