Previously used Header Images

Monday 21 November 2011

Back with the 'little un's" soon!

Firstly I must apologise for all the SEO images that have completely taken over my blog recently, I promise that once I've had "my fix" I'll get back to the local Little & Barn owls. Anyhow, during my most recent visit to see the SEO's the views were excellent but the light was atrocious.

Normally when presented with conditions like this I very rarely have any "keepers" but beings as I am starting to perfect shooting in manual mode (well sort of) I have now started to surprise myself just what is possible!

Due to the constraints of the blog layout this first image of a SEO calling in flight is as large as I can make it because it is in a landscape format, just double click on it for a larger version.

Although this next image lends itself better to be again cropped in a landscape mode it did have enough space to crop it in portrait.  


  1. A couple more great images Paul. Yep, I too was just thinking earlier-on this evening that it's the 21st of the month already and my LOs have been almost totally neglected this month.

  2. Incredible work you do Paul, nos. seen etc. Love your SEO images.

  3. I can't blame you for the deviation to the SEOs Paul-they are stunning photographs. I certainly wouldn't be able to help myself!

  4. What a stunning image, the second one down, just so full of charm and the look you are getting, right on...well done!

  5. Thanks for your comments folks, very encouraging.
