Previously used Header Images

Saturday 12 November 2011

Best batch todate?

My patience and continued studying of the SEO's finally paid dividends today, the word has obviously got around now about the SEO's at this site and each time I visit the watching crowd continues to swell. This makes it more of a challenge to get any decent images as the owls are being pushed further away from where they were comfortable when they first arrived.

So rather than stand in a group at the hedgerow with everyone else I employed slightly different tactics and they paid off. Along with some better light and accommodating owls I think this latest batch is probably my best to date? 

Double click any "landscape" image for larger and much improve quality.

Dinner is served in the form of a vole.

Not wanting to forget my other friends, the Little Owls. Here is my latest and long over due image from my site No 101. My first sighting at this location for over 6 months! 


  1. that last SEO image is something else mate, it seems like you were about 6 feet away from it! May see you there tomorrow if you're heading down!

  2. They're all great but, yep, that last SEO image is amazing!! Well done !!

  3. It's a real pleasure to look at these photographs Paul and I think that you're right in terms of the best so far, however there are so many to choose from! The vole capture (the owl's and your own) is incredible.

  4. Sweet shots Paul! Your decision to move away from the onlookers certainly paid off. Love the vole shot!!

  5. there getting better and better mate stunning perched shot

  6. Fantastic series , the vole shot wow !!!

  7. It appears the vole shot is a favourite, i'll see if I can get a closer up one next time!
