Previously used Header Images

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Brighter times!

Today I took my last day off work for this year, it was booked a week or so ago and it was a bit of a gamble on what the weather would be like? I lost the gamble badly as it has been bloody atrocious here in Leicestershire........all day!

High winds and driving rain made it a total no no for going out, so I have made the most of a bad thing and spent some time organising my owl images from yesterday, these didn't make the first cut as I thought they were sub standard but seeing as I don't have any other new images to post they will have to do.

So in keeping with the theme "Little Owls" here are a few more images that were taken only 24 hours ago, when the weather was far more forgiving!


  1. Definitely not sub standard, cracking images.

  2. Superb Paul, I would be well chuffed to get these.

  3. They're OK shots, nothing wrong with them, now! You'll be wearing sackcloth & ashes if you think that way! Seasons greetings.

  4. Beauties as per Paul.

    I came across this Spanish photographer's blog and thought you might be interested



  5. Thanks all for your comments, Christian thanks for the link, absolutely awesome images aren't they, they have raised the bar for us all, by a few miles!!!!
