Previously used Header Images

Saturday 5 November 2011

Even more!

I've just been sifting through and organising my images from earlier in the week and I was surprised to find a few more "keepers" that I missed first time round!  

Sorry but they are all of more SEO's, I just can't get enough of these brilliant birds at the moment.


  1. These are even more brilliant Paul - all of them !!!

  2. Very nicely done Rid!! Keep 'em coming!

  3. Brilliant stuff Paul! Sorry i didn't get back to you sooner on the 7D settings but glad you got some expert advice and it seems to be paying off!

    We are lucky to have no SEO's down here so am not jealous at all! Can i come and borrow yours?! lol!

  4. Jealous!!! Well done Paul, really like number 4 displaying the talons superbly.

  5. A top-quality series of shots Paul. The colour in the background in the first one is magical. You deserve these mate with all your hard work.

  6. these all can enter into wildlife photography competitions! well done! really jealous, too. lol

  7. Found a few more I missed !!! Are yes that reminds me of those DODO shots I took the other day. Good gief man these are fabulous :0)

  8. Wow my latest series of SEO images seem to have been well receieved, many thanks to you all.

  9. Magnificas imagenes, te felicito.
    Saludos desde España.
