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Saturday 11 February 2012

All the comforts!

Due to the increasing demands of the local would be "Owl keepers" the box making production line has kicked started back into action again. But unlike in previous years where it was all done in the cramped conditions of my small garage we are now working in 5 star luxury!

My mate Carl kindly offered us the use of his purpose built workshop, and oh boy what a privilege it is too! There's absolutely loads of space, proper tools and saws, a marking out/assembly table and to keep us warm Carl has just installed a huge cast iron log burner......ooh lovely!

The workshop, and Carl the poser!

The wood pile starts to mount up, pre assembly.

Carl again, doing his bit on the circular saw.

Yes its him again, he always fancied himself as a male model!!

His best male model pose!

This is the first box off the production line, designed specifically for a Tawny Owl. Over the coming weeks we will be burning the midnight oil until a planned 20 further boxes are made.


  1. Looks like you have your work cut out for you! Enjoy your building in luxury! Looks like a talented model also!

  2. I admire your conservation efforts Paul. The owls are, I'm sure, very, very grateful.

    The header is tremendous.

  3. Douglas McFarlane12 February 2012 at 22:57

    Great work Paul. I'm surprised at the shape of the tawny's box though. I watched a couple a weeks ago some tawny boxes being erected and they were narrow elongated in style. Will the style you've made will they attract Tawny's?

  4. Thanks for your comments guys.

    Doug, the box design was not done on a whim, plenty of research and development has gone into it. I do NOT like the tunnel boxes that you described, not enough room for the birds to even spread their wings, they can't grip the inside of the box (too smooth) and damage can occur to the eggs and young when the adults are entering and sliding down! Do a search on a brilliant website called "gods own cley" this guy knows his Tawny's and who am I to disagree.

    Let me know what you think when you have taken a look?

  5. Douglas Mcfarlane12 February 2012 at 23:21

    Wow, the man seems to know his stuff, annd when you read the section on tube style nest boxes you do start to realise their disadvantages etc. Makes me wonder why the organisation putting up the nest boxes didn't have a quick lool at his site.
