Hi and welcome to my Blog, my name is Paul Riddle and I live in south Leicestershire, UK. Back in August 2007 my quest began to locate as many local Little Owl territories as possible. The driving force was a reported decline in the uk numbers so I thought I would do my bit and conduct a study in my area. After 7 years and countless hours out in the field I have detected over 200 different sites. With a thirst for a greater understanding of the owls a more comprehensive monitoring and nest box programme then commenced. This also now includes monitoring the local and very sparse population of Barn Owls, please pop back occasionally and catch up with the life and times of my owls and any other wildlife that I come across. I hope you enjoy your visit!!!

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Better than pathetic??

I went back over to my latest new site last night (No 209), my purpose was to improve on the first image I managed (see previous post) which was to say the least poor!

The condition weren't really any better, overcast, drizzly and the owl was still in heavy shadow but rather than take the image from distance like last time I made the most of being allowed into the field which hosts the nest tree. The Landrover was positioned around 20 feet away and then the waiting game commenced. The male owl was high up in the tree and no images were possible, but eventually the hen owl popped out of the nest cavity to have a look at me which resulted in the image below.

Still not the image I am after but much improved on my first pathetic attempt!


  1. Stukken beter, denk zelfs dat veel andere hier heel blij mee zouden zijn en een van die andere ben ik !

    Gr Michel
