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Monday, 16 April 2012

Wasted weekend...

There wasn't much time to get out and about over the last weekend, I'd been tasked with finishing off all the DIY projects that had been started and not finished during the last few months, well last few years if I must be honest......its a bloke thing!

Anyway, after being a good boy I rewarded myself with a few free hours late on Sunday afternoon to go out. My first stop off was to see if the local Redstart was still hanging about? A three hour wait in my hide nothing was seen, I was resigned to the fact it must have moved on so with only an hour or so of light left I called it a day and decided to go and see if any owls were out.  

I flitted from site to site and saw nothing, then to save the day and to get my "owling fix" I located the resident pair at my site No 107. The male owl was basking in what little sun was left on top of a haystack and the hen owl was caught coming out of the nest cavity.   

I am hoping to get out and do a bit more owling in the evenings during the coming week or so, that is if the "inspector" passes off my DIY projects..........Mmmmmm what are the chances of that?


  1. You poor chap. Frustrating eh? More than I've seen recently though!

  2. I love owls. We have a Great Horned Owl nesting at our place...they are amazing creatures! Good luck with your project.

  3. Nothing wasted about that weekend if you get results like this !!!
