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Tuesday, 8 May 2012

At long last!

It has been a long while in the capture, but at long last I have nailed a Barn Owl in flight image that I am very happy with. Captured tonight at a location in south Leicestershire and in pretty decent light too!

Click on image for larger view.

He came back around again later on, so just for good measures a perched image too, the light was then terrible so the ISO was bumped up and a bit of noise reduction made the image just about usable.


  1. WOW-WOW!!
    Impressive indeed and well worth waiting for!
    A magnificent picture I would have been very proud to take! :)
    Jolly good job Rid!

    1. Thank you Noushka, yes a long time in the making which made it all the more sweeter.

  2. No wonder you're happy with that Paul - you must have been extremely close to get such a wonderfully detailed flight image.

    1. Thanks for your comment mate, these images were taken at a range of about 50 feet. It did come close but I'd lost focus lock by then.....dough!!!

  3. Those are really beautiful images Paul. Well done!

  4. V ery nice indeed Paul. So jealous, Sunday first thing I got a Barn Out down to 10' blew the lot in the bright light and tracking was off, switched onto one shot. Nightmare. Congratulations on yours.

    1. Thank you Mike, like you I have blew plenty of previous chances! Your day will come, just hope you don't have to wait as long as I did?
