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Thursday 10 May 2012

Catching up - Early May.

Mostly the conditions were gloomy with some periodic rain showers, however later in the day the clouds blew over to leave clear skies and some not too strong late sun.  And that just so happened to coincided with me being out! 

At my Little Owl site No 22 near to Countesthorpe the resident pair put in a brief appearance. This first image is of the hen owl, she popped out of the nest tree, had a look around and popped straight back in again!

The male owl showed for just a little longer (next image), he bounced about from branch to branch for a good five minutes before he too had had enough of checking out the Landrover and then went and joined his mate. 

The now clear deep blue skies made for a refreshing back ground.

From earlier in the week, the male owl at my site No 105 near to South Wigston. 

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