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Sunday, 13 May 2012

Chirp chirp chirp

Saturday morning couldn't have been better weather wise, calm dry and sunny, all that was needed now was some owls.... But before the day could commence and for me to operate with any proper synchronism  the first port of call was at the local delicatessen for a couple of bacon cobs (to help soak up the beer from the night before), nice and crusty with loads of brown sauce, mmmmm nice!

I was so much in need for the bacon butties I ate them immediately I'd left the shop. As I sat there in the Landrover filling my face I could hear a bird calling, maybe a Blackbird? Nothing special about a Blackbird, they are as common as muck but this sounded so close it couldn't be ignored! Chirp chirp chirp, a quick look around and no bird could be seen? As I was now re fulled and feeling somewhat better I dismissed trying to locate it and got on my way.

I drove around for the next hour or so calling in at several different sites, single owls were seen at them all at them all, but they were keeping well hidden and no photo opportunities. But something was haunting me, as I moved from site to site I kept hearing that Blackbird, chirp chirp chirp, how bizarre?

The final destination of the morning was at my favoured site No 105 near to South Wigston, here the male owl was located and he allowed for a couple of photo's (below).

Whilst I was with the owl at my site No 105 I could hear that dam Blackbird again, chirp chirp chirp? This was now getting stupid, did I really have that much to drink last night that it had now effected my hearing?

Chirp chirp chirp

Chirp chirp chirp

Chirp chirp chirp

That was it, I had to find out what the hell was going on?

I drove away from the owl site and parked up in the middle of a field away from any trees or bushes. I got out of the Landrover and it continued,  chirp chirp chirp..........

The sound was narrowed down to the front of the Landrover, I opened the bonnet and there was the culprit.......a baby Blackbird!!!!  It was precariously perched up in the bulkhead on one of the brake pipes.  

It must have been one of the brood that had fledged out of the nest the day before from my back garden and then found this so called safe hiding place away from all the local moggies. Incredibly it must have been with me all morning and was continually calling/begging for food. Whilst I was working out how best to capture it and then take it back safely it flew off!

A pretty good flier but sadly I think it was a bit too young to feed and fend for itself, I suppose nature will take its course and what will be will be.........

1 comment:

  1. Douglas Mcfarlane14 May 2012 at 14:21

    What a place to hide, surprised it never fell out.
