Previously used Header Images

Monday 9 July 2012

Family frolics.

It was a bit of a mixed bag on Sunday weather wise; sun one moment then torrential rain followed by more sun, and so on. The crazy British summer continued in the same vein as of previous weeks but I wasn't bothered what was thrown my way because the wind was very gentle. Which should only mean one thing.......the owls would be out!
But where to go?? I opted for a site over near the village of Willoughby, a private site where access is allowed with my Landrover. I have been visiting here on and off for 3 years, and what a good choice it proved to be as it really produced the goods today. Both parent owls were out and very active too with the feeding of their recently fledged brood.
I could waffle on for ages about what did and did not happen whilst there today, but after spending 7 hours with the owls it has been a very long day and to be honest I can't be bothered to tap away on my keyboard any longer than necessary.
So here is just a sample of the day’s images, I've loads more to look through so there could well be a part 2 from the day to follow?

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Wow, these images are amazing!

  2. Sorry Paul, I'm running out of superlatives for describing your images. Unbelievably great images - even the scruffy wet ones!

  3. Awesome shots as ever, the family portrait is the best Little Owl shot I have ever seen.

    On Saturday I captured my first decent Little Owl shots, they're amazing little birds. I hope you don't mind but I have a question for you on my blog if you can help?

  4. Excellent photo's Paul! I love them all but there is something about the one looking at the sheep that I love the most!

    Keep up the good work mate. Might have to come out with you one weekend, love these Owls.



  5. Fabulous images Paul,outstanding photography,your Header is magnificent.
    Love em all.

  6. Thank you for sharing your lovey photographs.

  7. Haha , you always bring the 'firsts' Paul, great trio image there. It's norm for you to display absolute top-quality images.

    Jealous as always, Christian

  8. Thank you all for your kind comments, much encouraging.

  9. Hi Paul

    I've only found this site recently and I'm blown away! Stunning photography illustrates your passion and knowledge for the subject(s). We are probably not that far south of you and I thought my local knowledge was reasonable, but I don't have the same ability or commitment to find so many Little Owls locally. Very well done for raising the bar so high and best wishes for witnessing and photographing further Little Owl behaviour to the future.


    Neil McMahon

  10. There alright.......................LOL yet another brill set of images
