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Tuesday 18 September 2012

Off the road.

Nothing much to report on the owling front from the last week or so.........I've hardly been out!

From previous experience I know that when the breeding season comes to an end (as it has now) it is not a good time for seeing owls. The juveniles are now departing the natal sites and will be keen to find new territories and partners for themselves. The parent owls are hiding away in the daytime taking their well earned rest, only really venturing out late in the day to feed.

On one rare occasion that I did ventured out I did chance upon this adult owl at my new site No 215. Only my second ever sighting here, the previous was of a solitary juvenile a couple of weeks ago. The adult owl was perched on exactly the same log that the juvenile was on, must be a favourite? 

The Landrover is off the road again at the moment, which I suppose is the real reason for lack of excersions out, images and posts. Thing are looking promising though for it should be back up and running by the end of the month, and if it is, I will be too! 


  1. Fingers crossed for the ol' Land Rover. How are the Barn Owl juveniles doing?

    1. Barn Owls juveniles are doing just fine thanks Doug, six still survive and they are all growing well but the difference in size between the eldest and the youngest is incredible! Won't be long before the male is forced to go out hunting in the daylight (hopefully) and if I am lucky some photo opportunities will be coming my way.........fingers crossed.
