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Tuesday, 16 October 2012

More owl boxes.

The weekend before last I went to check out my Little Owl site No 10 not far from the village of Cosby. Although it is one of the nearest sites to where I live it tends to get over looked because when I pass close by I am always on a mission going elsewhere......naughty really!.
It is a very productive site and an owl is seen almost on every visit, and that was the case again during this particular visit, but it wasn't a Little Owl? I was creeping around the old barns (image below) looking for the Little Owls when accidentally I flushed a Barn Owl! It was obviously day roosting up in the rafters, my first ever sighting of one here! 
Since the sighting I had an action plan, the barn owner was informed of my sighting, the first Barn Owl seen on this farm for over ten years!!!!! It was agreed that I would make a new box and then get it erected as soon as possible. So midweek I went around to Carl's house and together we burnt the midnight oil in his workshop making this huge and very heavy box, (below). I know it doesn't look much with the front off but believe me when the owl finds it and settle in they will love it!
Then on Sunday morning Col Green came and picked me up and we went to assess the site/barn to try and choose the best location to erected the box. Col can be seen here pretending he was an owl and why this location was perfect for the box, I dare not disagree with him!
Perfectly in position, how could any self respecting owl not want to live here?
Just before Col and I left we completed another good deed by erected a landing perch for the Little Owls. It was positioned just underneath their nest hole that is in the apex of the barn roof. It will enable the juveniles to drop down onto it and then return to the safety of the nest without the fear of falling to the ground and being predated, which happens all too often at other sites.
Thanks to Carl & Col, the owls love you both!


  1. Well done all. That's a great header by the way Paul.

  2. As soon as I saw that barn I was thinking Barn Owl, I'm sending email keep an eye out for it.

  3. Well done indeed! The owls would thank you if they could.
