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Monday, 29 October 2012

Owl Rescue!

Last night from the comfort of my home I remotely watched via the Internet the Barn Owls where we have the nest box camera. The chicks are growing by the day and at times they even venture out onto the nest box ledge.
This now allows us to watch via the second camera which is positioned up in the eves of the barn roof. The three of them can be seen here in this first image all lined patiently waiting for either mum or dad to come with with a food delivery.

In this next image the adult owl has just arrived with a food offering (the one on the beam with its back to the camera) and as usual the chicks went mad all trying to be the first to be fed. In all the commotion the third chick got pushed off the ledge, it can be seen underneath the adult owl as a white blur falling to the ground!

I was quickly on the phone to Glyn (he lives next to the barn) letting him know what had happened. "Leave it to me Rid I will rescue it".
And what a good bloke Glyn is, he was soon out of his pyjamas and donning his "headlight" and outdoor clothes to rescued the owl. It took him a while to locate the owl as it was hiding away behind an old door. He can be seen here in this next image returning the misfortunate owl back into the box non the worse for its ordeal.

An hour after all the fuss and once things had quietened down the three chicks were back on the ledge again waiting to be fed, so no harm done.


  1. Brilliant!! How fortunate that you were watching at the time!

    1. I wasn't actually watching at the time Richard, I picked it up by watching through some recordings, it wasn't long after though!

  2. Oh wow, brilliant....what a hero Glyn is!
