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Friday, 5 October 2012


My house is smack bang in the middle of a suburban area and "exotic" visitors to my garden feeders is a rarity in itself. Plenty of the common tits, finches and doves do a good gob in eating all the white hearts that I put out but on the rare occasion I might entice the odd speciality.........but not often.
Great Spotted Woodpecker, Coal Tit and Bullfinch are about as good as it gets when it comes to rarities but today I had a very welcome visitor, no it wasn't an owl but a solitary Siskin!
Two years ago I did have a small flock of six individuals hang around for a few hours (no images as they were far too timid) but that is as good as it has got during the last thirteen years. So when I looked out today and saw this individual feeding amongst the Gold and Green Finches it was quite a treat. After a quick dash for the camera luckily a few record shots were captured. It was quite a confiding individual too, probably feeding up after a long migration? I'm not a lover of images which also shows the feeder but I had no choice in this instance. I'm happy with my solitary visitor, I just hope it hangs around long enough to maybe entice a few more individuals to come down and feed.


  1. Yet to get a Siskin visit my garden, great birds. Seem to be alot passing through Leics' & N'ptonshire at the moment.

    1. I've not had any in my garden either (Northants) but I have read that they are doing very well this year.
