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Saturday, 6 October 2012

Another first!

Its all happening on the birding front in my garden at the moment , yesterday there was the Siskin (see previous post) and this morning I spotted a little brown job fluttering around in the cherry tree. I grabbed my camera and rushed out to see what it was and to try and grab an image.

It hardly stayed still for a second as it searched the tree for insects, so grabbing an image was difficult. But I think the resultant image confirms what it was.......a Chiffchaff. Not the rarest of birds I know but another great garden tick never the less! I wonder what tomorrow will bring? 

1 comment:

  1. Well captured, Paul! Most years we get what I believe to be Willow Warbler stopping for a minute or two in our garden. Never hear them utter a sound, but have diagnosed WW rather than Chiffchaff because of the yellow colouration of the undersides (= juvenile WW?). Amazingly, whilst reading this post, had to break for 20 minutes because of one of these outside my window, only for the second time this year! Unfortunately only managed record shots. The bird, like yours, was in my Rowan!
