Previously used Header Images

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

In the meantime.

My studies/watching/photography of the Little Owls has taken a back seat during the last few weeks or so, its not that I have gone off them, on the contrary. It's a combination of circumstances really, firstly the Landrover is still off the road, which doesn't help in getting access to the better "off the beat and track" sites and secondly I have been putting efforts in to two other programmes, neither of which have been successful so far but I'm not giving up just yet, so watch this space as hopefully in time more will be revealed and I will be able to share.
So in the meantime, here is my latest Little Owl image (and new blog header) from a chance encounter I had with a Little Owl at my site No 47. As it happens I was just driving past this particular site en route to somewhere else and as I approached the nest tree a quick glance up and hey presto there was a single owl sitting out getting some late evening sun.  

The little chap just sat and stared back at me whilst I rattled off a few shots out of the car window. Nothing too spectacular about the image (I have thousands similar) but I thought I'd share as I rather like the autumnal backdrop of golds and browns in the leaves of the adjacent oak tree.


  1. Geweldige foto, het uiltje geeft bijna licht en idd een hele mooie achtergrond !
    Gr Michel

  2. Gorgeous light on both images Paul, very well done.

  3. Great image Paul, looks to me like they just pose for you now, lol

  4. fantastic photo!! I love owls

  5. Thanks to you all for your comments.

  6. Yes, a lovely autumnal backdrop indeed, mate.
