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Thursday 15 November 2012

Birding Week - Thursday

Firstly I did not do a "birding post" for yesterday (Wednesday) as it was an utter disaster. I did get out for most of the day but my three target species evaded me, yes that's right no Kingfishers, no Jays and not even any owls! Aside from all that the weather was glorious, bloody typical.
So today (Thursday) my mate John Starie and I opted for a change of scenery, we went to Norfolk. We had a smashing day but the photography opportunities were very limited indeed, we had heavy fog all day!
Anyway it has been an extremely long day and I am far too tired to waffle on about what we got up to so as to give you a feeling for what we saw (when the fog lifted slightly) here are a few images.
Bar-tailed Godwit - A beautiful bird with striking plumage, shame it never came close.   

Brent Goose - Pretty boring I know but we were limited to what came within range.

Spotted Redshank - A bit distant but never the less a nice find in Thornham Harbour.

Turnstone - These comical guys were everywhere.

Little Egret - Feeding at Stiffkey, possibly the closest I have ever been to one of these birds, nearly frame filling images with my meagre 300mm lens! 

Redshank - Several of these were seen feeding in the muddy estuaries.

Absolutely my favourite bird from the day, the Sanderling. A small flock were feeding along the coastline on the beach at Hunstanton. It took a while but eventually we got close enough for some nice images. I have never photographed these before and I can highly recommend them, they are a super smart bird.

I can't recommend the north Norfolk coast high enough, the variety of species is just unreal, even if  it is foggy and you can't see the birds most of the time! We stayed away from the more popular Titchwell and Cley and instead  concentrated on the harbours and desolated beaches. One word of advice though, Wells Next The Sea is a total rip off, £4.50 to park the car and then to make matters worse £9.50 for Burger and chips at the Sea-View Restaurant, stay away or take plenty of cash!


  1. Sorry to hear that Wednesday was a write-off for you, Paul. Looks like you made up for it today! Great images, but I particularly love the Egret and last Sanderling image.

    1. Oh Sanderlings Richard are just ace, cheers!

  2. WOW!! Awesome shots! I have so much to learn about the shorebirds. There are so many of them. As for expensive food....I'd probably just pack a cooler:)

    1. I have learnt my lesson with the price of the food Rohrerbot. A good idea of yours to take a pack up with me next time, I'll be able to spend more time on the beach then!

  3. Sanderlings are my favourite wader Paul, closely followed by Turnstones. I've in the past spent an entire day photographing just the two species, despite the weather it looks like you had a good day. As for food Paul, you were on the coast road, can I recommend Brancaster Staithe, you'll see a petrol station and small shop, next door is a "cheap" cafe that does everything but at very good parking too! Then go to the nearby harbour.

    1. Mmmmmm, sounds like a good place for some grub Doug. Obviously you are making reference to a previous stop off there yourself?

  4. Fabulous pictures Paul. The Sanderling is gorgeous!

    1. Thanks Em, yes they are smashing little birds.

  5. I really enjoyed this post, lots of great birds. I can;t wait to get to Norfolk one day. From Findlay

    1. You will no doubt have a great time there when you finally get there Fidlay, lots of good reserves and masses of birds!

  6. Nice photos, but I don't understand why you think Brents are boring?!

    1. I am sorry Early worm but I just can't get into gulls and geese, give me an owl any day! Thanks for your comment though.
