Previously used Header Images

Monday, 3 December 2012


I gave in, I wasn't going to bother with them this winter but beings as there are so many in Leicestershire at the moment I went to have a look. The light was for ever changing, but I am happy(ish) with the results.
It was a real challenge but I wanted some flight shots, they were a little too high which resulted in heavier cropping than I would have liked, but my first ever proper in flight images of Waxwings.
And no set of Waxwing images should be without the customary "berry shot".
On the way home a new Barnie site was located, a couple of very shoddy record shots were achieved, the light was atrocious!



  1. It's just too hard to resist Waxwings Paul:) Really like the looks of the Barn Owl too, it looks quite a mature individual

  2. The Waxwing flight shots are amazing. From Findlay

  3. Great shots here Paul! I tried to catch up with some Waxies yesterday (after my all-too-brief encounter in November), but failed - they'd either gone, or I was in the wrong place!

  4. Stumble upon your site and have thoroughly enjoyed your beautiful photographs as well as your writings. Thank you!!! Brilliant!! p.s. Adore your blog title!!!

    Tracey Pettingill
