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Thursday 3 January 2013

First owl of the year!

I have made a decision not to continue doing my annual review of 2012, it was far too time consuming and all I was doing was going over old ground really, lets be honest it was pretty boring! The three months that I did do (Jan-Mar) can still be read as they are at the top of this page just under the main header image, but it won't be there for long!
So my first owl of 2013 has been seen, on the morning of new years day (and no I wasn't walking off a hangover!). I came face to face with this chap (below) from my site No 6 at Peckleton, it is a heavily cropped image but the first of many owly images to come in 2013, fingers crossed!
It may be a little late but here's wishing you all a very happy and prosperous new year! 


  1. Is it me, or has your image been replaced by a white 'no entry' sign, Paul?

    1. Thanks for letting me know Richard, you should be able to see it now?

  2. Happy New Year to you and all your readers Paul.
    I hope to get my first Little Owl of the year this weekend if the weather holds.

    1. And the same to you mate!
      My first owl image was from a site that I introduced you to, good luck if that is where you are going?

  3. good to see you're still finding 'em Paul
    hopefully lots more images to come over 2013
