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Thursday 28 February 2013

Little Owl Site No 225

My intention was to locate some Barn Owls out hunting at dusk. I was at a location that I'd never staked out before as permission for access had only recently been granted. However, I wasn't going in blind as I knew it was frequented by Barn Owls as there were fresh pellets everywhere! Once on site it made a refreshing change to still be accompanied by some decent light, a sure sign that spring is just around the corner.......
It hadn't been the warmest of days, the fresh wind was biting but without a cloud in the sky the light levels for photography were still holding out. I positioned myself in a good vantage point where I could see plenty of potential perches. Whilst waiting for a Barnie to show my Little Owl tally ticked over another notch, a single bird appeared on the roof seemingly from now where? 
This bird was very obliging, it moved about on all the perches that I was hoping the Barnie would use, and some quite different shots from the norm were captured. Sadly it didn't last too long as I was beaten by the fading light, even though I was expecting it I am still amazed just how quick the sun sets and it gets dark, roll on the summer.  
Little Owl - Site No 225
Little Owl - Site No 225

Little Owl - Site No 225
Little Owl - Site No 225

Little Owl - Site No 225

It was brilliant to locate a new Little Owl site, No 225, a very showy individual. Eventually a single Barn Owl showed too but by then it was too dark for any images. I was however more than content just to watch it hunting the area, maybe I'll get it next time?


  1. On the first LO image Paul, is that bullet holes on the metal? Great images. Did the Barnie turn up?

    1. Yes the Barnie showed Doug, but too dark for any images.

  2. Ohhh!!!.. I love!!!. Superb!!!.. :-)

  3. Fabulous images again Paul-particularly like the last one

  4. Looks like this Little Owl likes living dangerously! Perched on a sharp-looking rusty chimney, and then in a window with jagged glass protruding!

    Beautiful images Paul - even if you didn't get the Barnie!
