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Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Sun soaked owls.

Thank goodness for the clocks changing to BST, it now means I can get out after work in some reasonable light. I knew that I hadn't got much time before the sun set so I decided to re-visit the Tawny Owl site I located yesterday, you never know it may be there again?? And my luck was in, it was there in exactly the same place only this time it was bathed in glorious light.

After the Tawny I had a drive around the lanes to see if I could locate a hunting Barn Owl, and I did! I watched it catch 2 voles in as many minutes, definitely a sign that the spring like conditions are far more favourable for catching their prey. I just managed to capture it as it flew past me, with the low setting sun reflecting off its plumage it really made it look like a flying bar of gold.  

All we need now to go along with these brighter evenings is for the bitterly cold wind to drop and then it may even be a pleasure to be out and about with the owls.


  1. More wonderful images Paul. I share your frustration with the cold winds. Hoping to go out with a picnic tomorrow afternoon and evening, and keeping my fingers crossed.

    1. Don't forget to take along with you a flask of hot coffee, I fear you may need it!

  2. Stunning Barnie mate.............

  3. Well between your tawny and Richards Tawny I'm getting very jealous down here in Northants...not fair:)

    1. There is no doubt about it Doug, Richards Tawny image is magical, one of the best I have ever seen of this species. Having said that I am happy with my effort too! They don't show in the day very often, I am sure your turn will be soon?

  4. Superb quality post. Love both images.

    1. Thanks Steve, oooops sorry I meant Christian!!!.......LOL

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