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Monday 24 June 2013

Making the most of it......

Another re-visit to my favourite Little Owl site has been on the cards for a while now, the only thing holding me back was the weather continuous. High winds, rain showers and a lack of good light don't help, especially when fast shutter speeds are the requisite for flight shots.

After setting up the light was in my favour for a few precious minutes, the owls were performing to their usual standard and a few flighty images were obtained, all be it at an ISO of 1250. 

As expected the light soon went and was quickly replaced by heavy grey clouds and rain showers. I then tried to make the most of things and went for some portrait images instead.

A couple of times whilst I was laying down underneath the Landrover one of the owls would come very close indeed, this next image is full frame at 300mm.

And last but not least let me introduce you to the first juveniles I have managed to photograph this year. Although they are not out of the nest yet it won't be long before they are judging by how well the parents are doing at feeding them.

I am planning another evening visit to this site as soon as the weather improves, mmmmm could be in for a long wait!


  1. Great to see the youngsters the last image just puts a smile on my face, of course the flight shots are superb but I like the portraits too, well done.

    1. Yes I agree it is always good to see the first juveniles of the year, thanks for your comment Doug.
