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Sunday 14 July 2013

Two lengthy sessions.........

In my last post I mentioned that there were five owls (2 adults & 3 juveniles) showing well at one of my locally monitored sites. And because they were quite obliging to my presence (when in the landrover of course) I'd challenged myself to attain a "usable" image of all five of them together in the same shot. 

At the time of my challenge I was confident that this feat could be achieved although I knew it was going to be a test of endurance and a lot of luck. It was never going to be a matter of just turning up and grabbing "the shot" but surely if enough time was invested I would stick half a chance? Well I have now invested more than enough time during two separate evening vigils and so far have failed in my task, I am now wondering if I have bitten off more than I can chew? My time there hasn't been without its rewards though, yes there are long periods of time where absolutely nothing happens as all the owls are out of sight "day roosting". But it only takes one owl to wake up and flutter down onto one of the many favoured perches to activate the rest of the family into life. It is then normally action stations for a mad active few minutes. I was very fortunate that during one of these "active periods" the owls decided to put on quite a show on the post right in front of me. And to compliment my good fortune the light levels were stunning as the sun set.
To obtain an image of an owl on its own is quite easy, whether it be an adult or juvenile.

 Two owls together is a relatively easy task too.

A bit more time and patience is required to get three together.

After two lengthy sessions I finally managed to get four in the same shot.

But that elusive shot of all five together still eludes me, its a monstrous challenge!


  1. Good luck with the task you've set yourself, Paul. I'd be amazed if you achieved it, but if anyone can, it's you!

    That last image is reward enough for your efforts so far. It's got the Wow factor in spades!!

    Keep up the good work - you're re-kindling my own motivativation beautifully, thank you!

  2. Well I think most would b happy with one or two images, I think it will be hard for all five but stick with it, it will happen (I hope). Great images.

  3. Sorry that should've said " most would be happy with one or two owls in an image"
