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Friday, 2 August 2013

Hope is fading.......

I haven't being doing much of late, even though the weather has been very favorable other things have taken precedence and consequently getting out has been a premium. A couple of posts ago I mentioned that the adult male owl at one of my favourite sites had just vanished leaving the hen owl and three juveniles to fend for themselves??? I was hoping that it was just a coincidence but a further two visits (and long ones at that!)  didn't get my hopes up as still no sightings of him were made. It is a real shame as I have known this particular owl for three years, right from when he was rung in the nest as a chick in 2010. Then in the spring of 2011 I re-located him two miles away with his new mate. The pair of them went on to successfully raise three separate broods in 2011, 12 & 13. For what ever reason he was a very confiding owl and at times would let me get very close. Because of his acceptable nature his mate and consequence offspring accepted me readily too.

I have gone back through my image archives and this was the very last image I took of him on the 18th of July as he sat amongst the thistles with one of his youngsters.

It is not in the nature for Little Owls to "do a runner" as they pair for life, and in my experience it is not "normal" for one of the adult owls to spend so much time away from their fledged juveniles. My only conclusion is that he has been predated or hit by a car??? I will however be making another couple of visits to this site before I go to Mull, I suppose keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best is all I can do now?


  1. It's always sad when something/one you're familiar with to vanish without a trace.

    How small are they? I imagine they would also be prey for raptors/cats?

    1. Little Owls are around 7-8 inches tall and yes very easily taken by a predator.

  2. So sorry to hear about this owl Paul. I know how much he meant to you. I shall keep my fingers crossed for this one anyway. If he was predated, I wouldn't be surprised if it was because he took the hit for one of the youngsters. They do seem to be very defensive, and put themselves in the firing line if there is danger about, don't they!

    1. Yes mate I wouldn't be surprised if something like that happened?? Cheers for your comment mate.

  3. How sad mate, lets hope if it has disappeared it was due to old age rather then predation.

    1. He was on 3 years old and seemed in good health, I fear he has been killed rather than died.

  4. It a real shame to hear that you still haven't seen him since his disappearance. Hopefully he will turn up, but like you say it is becoming less likely.

    1. I have made another two brief visits over the wkend and nothing, he deffo gone now!

  5. Don't give up hope, he may turn up yet.
    Such lovely shots.
    I came to find you by way of Em P's site, so pleased to have found you and the owls here!

    1. And I am pleased that you found me too Willow, I hope you enjoyed your visit and that you will return soon?

  6. Hello Rid ..
    a sweet pair of professional liability you put into the right picture ..
    super shot
    regards Frank
