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Monday, 28 October 2013

Tawny before dinner.......

On the way home from work this evening I stopped off at a local Tawny Owl site that I've been keeping an eye on for the last few months. The birds are far from predictable and only show on around one in five visits, and then it is usually too dark for an image attempt. Oh but my luck was in two fold on this latest visit, I only had to wait a few minutes before the first bird showed and when it did it was on the closest branch to me!! 

It had gone 5pm and almost dark, but thankfully my camera/lens combo can produce wonderful results in low light when the aperture is wide open at F2.8. The ISO was pumped right up to 2000 and even then I could still only managed a shutter speed of 1/20th of a second, however I am really chuffed with the results.


  1. "Chuffed", I'd be ranting and raving about a wonderful day etc, I'd actually sell all my body organs for views that good nevermind an image that good!...not jealous :o)

    1. Sorry Doug I did possibly come across as being a bit nonchalant about it, believe me I was elated with the final results especially considering the conditions, high ISO and low shutter speed, but I won't be parting with any of my body parts though!!! Cheers for your comment mate......

  2. I think Doug's comment says it all - flippin marvelous !!!

    1. Thank you Richard, right time right place I guess?

  3. That's a cracking image Paul, and glad to see your back blogging, love it!

  4. And it is good to be back blogging too Dawson, thanks for stopping by.

  5. Yeh not bad.....................................................................................................its a cracker!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. cracking shot Paul, thanks for sharing....
