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Monday 10 March 2014

Sitting Pretty!

The lure to go back and visit my latest found owl sight was just too much, even though I was suffering with a hangover (a heavy stag do the night before) I battled through feeling lethargic and ignored the pounding head and went out. As it happens the fresh air did me wonders and once the owls showed all evidence of my self inflicted aliments were soon forgotten. 

Although it was late in the day and time was of the essence it proved to be a short but successful trip. Unlike on the previous occasion where I had to wait nearly three hours for the owls to show this time I waited only 30 minutes and then I was blessed as both owls showed side by side in the crevice.  

Getting the correct exposure proved very tricky indeed, the sun was setting low behind the tree which put the birds in almost complete blackness, but a bit of over exposure, high ISO and some post editing made the final image a bit grainy but one that I am more than happy with, oh happy days!!