Previously used Header Images

Friday 7 November 2014

Sorted at last.....

Last night I had another lengthy session at the new Barn Owl site, there were high winds and driving rain showers which consequently resulted in the birds showing a lot later than on previous visits. The photo opportunities were limited, but I am pretty pleased with this image, below and the new header, above especially now I have managed to disable Bloggers auto photo enhancer, yippee!!

This second image is exactly the same as the one above?? The only difference (and a big one at that) is it has been "auto enhanced" by blogger, this results in it being too bright and over saturated. I know they do it with the best of intentions but it is NOT how I intended my image(s) to look. I want them to represent what I am seeing out there in real life, and at 7.00pm in bitch darkness it doesn't look like this below!!

All my uploaded images of late have been through the dreaded auto enhancer and to be fair the majority weren't really effected, however there were a few that were woeful! So now that I have upgraded (I was loathed to initially) my images will be published as I intend for them to be seen, I hope you agree that the first of the above images is the better one, or am I missing something?

Catch up again soon.......


  1. That's great news Paul. I can see the difference too. I had to chuckle at the bit "bitch darkness" I shouldn't but I've been the victim of autocorrect lol

    1. Didn't realise the mistake until you mentioned it Doug!

  2. I see what you mean about auto-enhance, Paul! I'm totally in agreement with you that the un-enhanced one is better. The header and the first image are wonderful!

    You got me looking into this enhancement thing as I've never been aware of any auto-enhancement happening on my blog. I went into Google+ and then looked at my settings, and found that auto-enhance was 'off' - I'm damned sure that I never turned it off! I'll continue to leave things alone!

    Have a great weekend - - - Richard

    1. I am please that you (and Doug) agree that the images are better with the auto-enhance turned off, and that is the way its going to stay!

  3. The images look fine mate and working in complete darkness, but to be fair I would be happy with either, but I know where your coming from!
