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Sunday 28 December 2014


I do apologise if the title of this post affends, but I couldn't think of a more fitting way to describe the scum to who it refers.

Please let me explain the recent events that have lead to me feeling this way. On Boxing Day morning I had a call from one of my very good landowner friends, he had found a dead Barn Owl in one of his out buildings. Yes a tragic discovery especially as this site was one of our successful breeding locations from this year. As we discussed his discovery in more depth it became apparent that it was one of the adult birds, but there was something else? The breast feathers on the corpse were soaked in blood?? We both agreed that this was rather odd and not really consistent of a death from natural causes? This made us suspect foul play especially as there had been people seen shooting on Xmas eve morning in the field adjacent to where the nest box is located. 

My friend was  devestated, and very very angry, he'd not had Barn Owls at his farm for decades and seeing these birds on a regular basis this year gave him enormous pleasure. But before we could jump to any conclusions more evidence was required if our worst thoughts were to be proven. So the corpse was sent to a local veterinary with the background evidence and our request for it to be checked out. This morning (dec 28th)  my friend called me to say the vet had some news, he had x-rayed the bird and three shot gun pellets were discovered lodged in its torso, undoubtedly the reason for its death!!

It appears that the owl must have been disturbed from the box and then shot, it obviously wasn't initially a fatal wound as it managed to make its way to the building to where it must have suffered a lingering death before being discovered the next day. How can someone be so callous, there is no mistaking a Barn Owl for any other type of bird, especially mid morning in good light!

Ironically the image of the Barn Owl with its wings spread in my current header image is the bird that was found, a cracking individual that was hoped to be gracing the countryside of South Leicestershire for years to come........sadly not any more!

My next step is to compile all the evidence and forward it to the local police office who over-sees local wildlife crime, if anyone has any other suggestions as to other actions I could persue in order to see that justice is done then please get in contact.



  1. Hi Paul you need to log this with @BAWC Birders against wildlife crime , they are a good bunch and will offer assistance . Trev @lincsbirders

  2. After everything you do to make a difference this is a disgrace. Name and shame - who is the landowner & the syndicate? Barn Owls cannot be mistaken for anything else. Cheers Neil

  3. Why would anyone commit such a barbaric act. Of course amongst gun owners there are some idiots that will shoot at anything, but a Barn Owl? I do hope the culprit is found, but I guess they will have to be caught in the act.

  4. Absolutely unbelievable mate I thought these heinous crimes like shooting Owls had long disappeared from the countryside and I agree there nothing but bastards!!

  5. God knows how you and the landowner must be feeling. I feel bad enough, and I'm not involved!

    As Trev says, do log it with BAWC (link on my blog). I hope that you can find the culprit and get conclusive evidence. Even if you can't get a conviction, I'm sure there are other ways of making the culprit regret their actions!

    Don't let this disgusting act deter you from continuing with all the great work that you do, Paul. My very best wishes - - - Richard

  6. It seems Barn Owl's are becoming a target. There was a very recent case up in Cheshire. They're even proposing to put these owls on a "non" native list making them easier to cull/control please report it to BAWC but also the local wildlife trust as they can hopefully help you out, I just hope your local constabulary are better then ours at handling wildlife crime. It really makes me sick when people do this, I hope the culprits get caught.

  7. That's shocking Paul!...
    There are some sick people out there. Hope in time those responsible are held to account.

  8. I would have thought that "Bastards" was being polite........

  9. Paul, your post left me cold .... unbelievable ...... the owner of the field in question needs to be informed and details of the shooters given permission to shoot at Christmas given to the Police.

    Sadly, I doubt anything will come of even if pursued other than hopefully embarrassment and humiliation for those concerned who I doubt are capable of those emotions........ I am absolutely supportive of your comments, Bastards is not enough, but words fail me !.


  10. Hi again, many thanks for the concern and disgust expressed by you all, it has made me more determined to take this matter as far as I possibly can. I am now waiting to hear back from my farmer friend before my next action as he is doing some investigations of his own. Thanks also for the suggested societies/action group that can help with this matter, I will update when there has been some developments. Paul.

  11. Bastards is appropriate enough for me on this Paul....I feel sickened.

  12. Gutted for you Paul and agree with all the comments of disgust above. And the shooters wonder why they're getting so much criticism from the conservation groups at the moment!! Hope you find which scumbags did this.

  13. I can't even try to imagine to get inside the minds of such despicable morons, I feel both sad and angry, let's hope that the culprit can be found and brought to justice.

  14. Paul - please can you call me - Guy Shorrock RSPB Investigations 07885 255830

  15. I sometimes wonder what will become of our stunning wildlife because the more we seem to progress as a society the less people seem to care about it. I mean how often do you come across a Barn Owl or any truly wild animal really did they know the owl was near seems odd to me. Sorry but it makes me so cross rant over but still angry. Feel for you and your friend must be gutting hope you find out who did it.

  16. Bastards doesn't even begin to describe these types of non people, they are pure ARSEHOLES, the butt end of human life.
